5 Types of Products to Avoid in Dropshipping

While you can find almost any type of product on AliExpress, not all of them are suitable for your business. Below is a list of 5 products you should avoid in dropshipping.

Why Some Items are Inappropriate for Dropshipping

In theory, you can dropship any type of merchandise. Of course, demand may vary, and as a result, some items may sell better than others. However, you can assess the suitability of a product without the need for market analysis. Here are some identifying characteristics.

1. Large Size and Weight

When selecting products for dropshipping, it’s advisable to avoid heavy and large items. The reason is that heavy items will incur high shipping costs. Moreover, heavy items are more prone to breakage during transportation.

2. Fragile Items

Careful consideration is needed before dropshipping fragile items made of ceramics or glass, unless you are confident that the supplier packs the products securely.

3. Shipping Costs

Shipping costs are a crucial consideration. Free shipping is the best option. Additionally, ePacket can be used as it is relatively inexpensive. Other shipping options need careful evaluation.

4. Illegal Products

Simply put, it is better to avoid anything related to hunting, military equipment, or drugs in dropshipping. For example, knives or smoking devices might not be suitable for dropshipping as they could be considered illegal by customs. Unless you are aware of the specific laws of a country and are certain they are legal.

5. Political Sensitivity

Avoid dropshipping products that may be prohibited for political reasons, especially in the trade tensions between the United States and China. In other words, choose wisely and always check if the goods are allowed to be imported.

These rules can be applied to any product sold online. Now, let’s take a look at the top 5 products to stay away from and understand the reasons.

Dropshipping Copyrighted Goods

In dropshipping, copyright can pose serious issues. Firstly, when it comes to branded products, people often expect high-quality items produced by well-known companies. However, if you start dropshipping replicas from anonymous Chinese sellers, you will inevitably face complaints and accusations. Therefore, it’s best to steer clear of counterfeit goods.

The second reason you don’t want to sell such items is that the brand owner may sue you. That’s why selling merchandise designed after a popular TV show or cartoon can be very risky.

Dropshipping Electronics

Dropshipping electronic items may seem like a good idea because they are becoming cheaper, and many people can afford them. However, selling electronic devices can also cause many problems.

Electronics are fragile and complex. They can be damaged for various reasons – temperature fluctuations, mishandling during shipping, etc.

Therefore, you may have to deal with a lot of returns, and such goods are usually not cheap. So, each time this happens, you will lose a considerable amount of money.

Instead, focus on accessories as they are cheaper and less prone to breakage. This way, you can avoid the mentioned issues while still participating in this niche market.

Dropshipping Weight Loss Products

This is another “hot” type of product that you should avoid in dropshipping. To be precise, some goods in this category are very good. For example, massage tools or slimming belts. However, you should stay away from things like patches, creams, drugs, and herbal teas.

The reason is quite simple. These are organic products, but do you really know how they are manufactured and tested, or what side effects they may have? What if a customer is allergic to some ingredients? What happens if the package is damaged, and the product is spoiled?

In other words, some weight loss products can pose health threats. In reality, people are buying things like this online, and I’m sure most of them are safe. But if your supplier has issues, you will encounter a lot of trouble.

Moreover, if you still want to dropship other weight loss (non-organic) items, be prepared to handle customer complaints about the effectiveness of those products. But that’s another issue.

Dropshipping Beauty Products

Dropshipping beauty products is similar to the above. Cosmetics are chemicals that can cause allergies or even worse. However, that doesn’t mean this niche market has no potential.

Instead, some dropshippers sell beauty products that do not directly contact the user’s skin. Of course, even in this case, you should ensure the goods are safe. To do that, contact potential sellers and ask them to show you certifications for these products or other legal documents.

More importantly, read customer reviews about the supplier to see if anyone has actual issues!


You might wonder: many successful dropshipping stores sell clothing and apparel! So, what’s the problem with shoes?

Firstly, not everyone buys clothes online. Even if the size chart provided by the store is accurate, there is no guarantee that the clothing will fit.

If you wear a shirt that is too small, you may feel uncomfortable. If it’s too big, you may look a bit awkward. But if your shoes are too big, they will slip off your feet! If they are too small, your feet will hurt when walking!

Besides, shoes are often more expensive than clothes. Once again, the result is that you will have to deal with a lot of complaints and refunds. So, dropshipping shoes can be risky.


Of course, that doesn’t mean dropshippers selling these types of goods are bound to fail. However, you will have to approach these types of goods with precision and caution.


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