If dropshipping has the potential to bring high profits, why aren’t more people participating?

Why don’t people engage in dropshipping if it truly brings high profits?

Why do many hesitate to venture into dropshipping, despite its potential for substantial profit? This question often arises when people explore this business model. Let’s examine the reasons that might deter some from starting dropshipping.

Why do people decide not to initiate a profit-generating venture like dropshipping?

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The internet is filled with stories of individuals consistently sharing success in dropshipping. Furthermore, new success stories continue to emerge.

All of them claim that you can kickstart this business easily, quickly, and witness rapid growth.

So, why not give it a try? Seize the opportunity to do this.

However, people don’t rush to start. Only the most determined among them take the risk to try it. The rest either dismiss the idea or can’t make the decision.


The reason is us. Everyone has their fears and anxieties. Alongside that, our brains work in a somewhat peculiar way.

It’s challenging to make us believe in something, but at the same time, it’s easy to sow seeds of doubt in our minds.

People vehemently resist the fact that the Earth is round. Some even get angry with those stating this.

When the shape of our planet, scientifically proven to be round, is disregarded, you can still find people who don’t believe it. Despite today’s widespread acceptance of the Earth being round, the flat Earth theory even gained popularity.

So, let’s overcome the most common fears and prejudices that might hinder you from starting a dropshipping business.

  1. Fear of the starting point

Why do people deny that the Earth is round?

Explaining this is not difficult. There was too little information at that time. So, the reason might come from human ignorance.

But now it’s challenging to make people believe in the flat Earth theory. Why do people question a scientific truth?

Surprisingly, it happens due to the abundance of information today. The internet has allowed people to express their opinions.

Thus, some users take advantage of this to create controversies, arouse human fears, and instill doubts.

Similarly, some online businesses may create videos or write articles claiming it’s too late to start dropshipping, that this business model won’t succeed.

Some may be convinced by these words. However, upon careful examination, you can easily discover that all they draw from is their own unsuccessful experience.

Dropshipping opens up significant opportunities for businesses. However, that doesn’t mean automatic money will come to you. Your success depends on you.

  1. Fear of resources

Another barrier that might make you hesitate to start dropshipping is the lack of resources.

People often think starting and operating a dropshipping business requires financial investment and knowledge.

So, many give up the opportunity to open an online store because they don’t have much money and time to learn how to do this.

The beauty of dropshipping is that you don’t need both of these.

You don’t have to spend a large amount to operate it. In fact, you can start dropshipping with just around 10 million VND.

And you don’t need a professor’s degree to create an online business for yourself.

  1. Fear of competing with AliExpress

While learning about dropshipping, you may wonder.

Why would customers buy from your dropshipping store? They can directly shop on AliExpress. What makes them choose a dropshipping store instead of AliExpress?

At first glance, the answers to these questions seem unfavorable for you.

So, this might cast doubt on the prospects of dropshipping and make people fearful. Hence, many of them decide not to proceed with their planned business.

However, if you look closer, you can see everything in a new light.

AliExpress is a massive e-commerce platform selling various products. It’s difficult and inconvenient for customers to find what they need there. This process is often troublesome and time-consuming.

On the other hand, if your online store caters to a specific niche, people can easily find the items they need.

Moreover, when it comes to marketing, you have an advantage over AliExpress. By choosing a narrow niche, you can use various marketing channels to track and target your potential customers. This is something AliExpress can’t achieve.

And these are just the most obvious advantages that dropshipping stores have.

  1. Fear of risk

Another typical fear of humans that might be more significant than the profit dropshipping brings is the fear of risk.

Every time a decision is made, this fear starts to creep in. People often prefer everything to stay the same, even if their lives are challenging. Change always brings fear.

When you start your own business, you need to take risks. The current monotonous job, money, your future… If you fail, you’ll lose everything.

This scenario has happened before. But that’s not the case with dropshipping!

You don’t have to quit your job because dropshipping doesn’t require much time to manage. Many plugins and addons automate the most tedious tasks for you. So, you can easily combine your office job with your dropshipping business.

Money is not a big issue either. You don’t have to purchase goods in advance and keep them in stock. You just need to find a reliable supplier on AliExpress. The software will forward your orders to them, and they will pack and ship the goods to your customers. All of these are free.

The necessary investment focuses on setting up a domain, hosting, software, advertising,… And it will only cost you around 10 million VND, as I mentioned earlier.

Dropshipping allows you to test without harming your business. If the products you’ve chosen for your online store don’t catch up with customers, you don’t have to panic. You can easily choose another item and try it out.

So, the risks of operating a dropshipping store are very low. It won’t affect your future and ruin your life.

  1. Doubts about fraudulent nature
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As you become famous and successful, some people speak ill of you.

Similarly, you may come across people saying that dropshipping is a scam.

Some accuse dropshippers of being intermediaries making money without doing anything.

You could take any retail company like Walmart and blame them for this, couldn’t you?

Some believe that dropshipping is just an exaggeration done to lure people into joining and make them spend a large amount by selling them courses and tutorials.

There might be some paid tutorials and lessons on this topic. But you can easily find plenty of free blogs with all the necessary information. For example, my blog is an example.

In conclusion, you shouldn’t believe in what people say about rumors because they have no basis.

So, people might stay away from dropshipping because they can’t overcome their fears. Although, in reality, dropshipping is a profitable business. I hope this article helps you overcome your fears, start a business, and make your life better.


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