What is Alidropship? The ultimate guide to starting dropshipping with AliDropship

In this article, I will introduce you to one of the “Golden Plugins in the Dropshipping World,” providing an overview of its useful features, steps to get started, and how to own this plugin at the best price.

What is AliDropship?

AliDropship is a WordPress plugin that simplifies dropshipping business from the Alibaba website. Its features include product search and import, order management, integrated payment and shipping, automated price and inventory updates, customizable store interface, and SEO optimization support. This plugin offers a comprehensive solution for those who want to start dropshipping businesses without deep programming knowledge.

Types of AliDropship Plugin

There are two types: AliDropship Plugin and AliDropship Woo Plugin. Essentially, the main difference lies in Themes, as depicted below.

AliDropship PluginAliDropship Woo Plugin
Basic plugin installed directly on your WordPress website. Allows dropshipping from Alibaba and related websites. Provides various features such as order management, product search, and store interface customization. Automates product import, order management, and inventory tracking.Integrated version with WooCommerce, a powerful WordPress e-commerce plugin. Allows integrating dropshipping features into your WooCommerce store. Designed to optimize user experience and closely integrate with WooCommerce features. Enables using the power of WooCommerce along with AliDropship advantages.

Key Features of AliDropship Plugin

Product Import (Import)

Save time by importing products into your store with a single click. The Google Chrome extension facilitates importing products directly from AliExpress while browsing.

This feature will definitely save you a lot of time. Products you like are imported right into your store with just one click. The same thing can happen with reviews from people who have made purchases on AliExpress that you have imported into your store.

What’s even more important is that you will be able to use a Google Chrome Extension (Add-on) designed specifically for AliDropship. Thanks to this tool you will be able to import products while browsing AliExpress and put them directly in the correct category.

Image Editing

AliExpress products are not always standard and some images still have Chinese signs/logos/branding that you don’t want displayed in your store. With the help of Alidropship Plugin’s built-in image editing tool, you will be able to remove Chinese logos and trademarks right before importing products to your store. The image editor works very quickly and has some other useful features like stickers that you can include on your product images.

You can edit elements such as:

  • Size: Choose the preferred size for the image by selecting the appropriate option.
  • Effects: Adjust lightning (brightness, contrast, etc.) in the Lightning tab and find the perfect effect for your image in the Effects tab.
  • Select: Copy, move, and delete selected image areas.
  • Brush: Choose the color and size of the brush to draw anything you want.
  • Text: Enter text for the image, adjusting its size, color and position.
  • Sticker: Select a sticker to add information about the product. There are two types of stickers: built-in and editable.

Price Setting

Thanks to this feature, the product price will be calculated immediately after entering the store. There are a variety of formulas available. Additionally, you can set different prices for each product category or for your entire store. This feature also has great default settings, so you will get profit from each order.

Currency Conversion

Prices in your store will display based on the customer’s geographic location. This is especially useful when taking advantage of psychological pricing strategies ($0.99) which wouldn’t directly translate to the same price if someone was from the UK (£0.78).

Shipping option

You can set up multiple shipping options. They can be made based on items, weight, size and delivery destination.

Payment Options

AliDropship supports many payment solutions (Paypal, Paypal one click, PayU, Payssion, PayUbiz, 2Checkout, Stripe, etc.). This is important because not everyone can pay with PayPal as it does not support all credit cards. I recommend having a PayPal payment solution and a credit card processor like Stripe in your store.

Abandoned Cart

Customers who exit their cart during the purchasing process will receive an email reminding them that they added something to their cart. You can give customers a percentage discount code to encourage them to shop again from that cart.

Abandoned Cart Feature Metrics:

  1. Sent after Abandonment: This refers to the time delay between the customer abandoning the cart and the system sending a reminder email.
  2. Emails Sent: Total number of reminder emails sent to customers who abandoned their carts.
  3. Recovery Rate: The percentage of abandoned carts that have been successfully recovered. A cart is considered recovered when the customer revisits the cart using the link provided in the abandoned cart reminder email.
  4. Purchase Rate: The percentage of recovered carts that result in completed purchases. A purchase is considered recovered when the customer revisits their abandoned cart via the link in the abandoned cart reminder email and successfully completes the purchase transaction.

Automated Ordering System (One-Click):

Running a successful dropshipping store can be overwhelming, and ironically, the goal of dropshipping is to have more free time! The AliDropship plugin addresses this paradox with its one-click ordering button. This feature allows you to transfer all the order data from your store to AliExpress with just one click, where the orders are processed automatically and immediately.

This convenient one-click ordering system streamlines the entire process, saving you time and effort. It’s a surprising and helpful feature for dropshippers who want to focus on growing their business rather than getting bogged down in manual order processing.

In essence, the one-click ordering system is a time-saving mechanism that aligns with the initial goal of dropshipping – to create a more hands-off and efficient business model.

The combination of the abandoned cart feature and the automated ordering system in AliDropship contributes to a more streamlined and efficient dropshipping experience, allowing entrepreneurs to manage their stores more effectively and provide better service to their customers.

Steps to Start Dropshipping with AliDropship

  1. Purchase AliDropship Plugin: Acquire the plugin to access its features.
  2. Buy Domain and Hosting: Secure a domain name and hosting for your website.
  3. Set Up Website with WordPress: Create a website using WordPress.
  4. Install AliDropship Plugin: Integrate the AliDropship plugin into your WordPress site.
  5. Install Suitable Theme: Choose and install a theme that suits your store.
  6. Set Product Prices: Define your desired pricing formula, which can be automatically applied to all your products.
  7. Configure Payment Gateways: Set up payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, etc.
  8. Activate Purchased License: Activate the license you purchased for the AliDropship Plugin.
  9. Install AliDropship Google Chrome Extension: Streamline product imports using the Chrome extension for AliDropship.
  10. Find Products on AliExpress: Locate products relevant to your niche on AliExpress.
  11. Import Products: Import the chosen products, edit descriptions, and list them on your store to begin your dropshipping journey.

Comparison with Other Related Plugins

AliDropship vs. Aliplugin

Aliplugin focuses on AliExpress Affiliate Program, providing products to WordPress stores. However, it redirects customers to AliExpress for transactions. AliDropship, on the other hand, allows creating your store, setting your profit margins, and ensuring you know exactly what you sell and earn.

AliDropship vs. WooDropship

WooDropship is a WooCommerce plugin for dropshipping from AliExpress, offering monthly subscription plans. While it provides a 7-day free trial, it lacks features related to marketing, management, and automation compared to AliDropship.

AliDropship vs. Oberlo

Oberlo is a popular dropshipping service for Shopify stores. However, the associated costs with Shopify and Oberlo can be higher than AliDropship’s fixed yearly price. AliDropship provides more control over pricing, and there are no additional transaction fees.


In conclusion, AliDropship is an excellent plugin for dropshipping from AliExpress, streamlining product import and order processing. It offers an array of features that make it a powerful tool for entrepreneurs looking to start a dropshipping business without the need for extensive programming knowledge.


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